Wednesday, October 1, 2008


Cyanne had one of her first fevers yesterday and last night.
I think it was more than just the 'Indian Summer' we are experiencing, as well. (It was in the 80's and 90's yesterday).

I picked her up from daycare at 4:30 and she was hot. Hot, hot, hot. Pink, flushed cheeks. Seemed to be in a daze (which is very unlike her)... She was quiet in the car where normally she's very chatty, talkative, and sing-song like.

So, I took her home and took her temperature which was 102.5 - and that was for as long as she'd let me hold the thermometer under her arm (i.e. not the full, recommended 90 seconds).
We then proceeded to take a cool bath. This was met with a little protest - once she felt the water, that is. She LOVES her bath time. This time, however, it was not the warm water she was used to... I kept pouring cold water over her head and body in the hopes it would cool her down.

It did - and she eventually got used to the water. However, she was still pretty hot.
We gave her some Tylenol and let her sleep in just a onesie... She was also stuffy and couldn't breathe out of her nose when I went into calm her when she woke up around 10.

It's such a sad sight: her eyes still closed because she's so sleepy (oh yeah, there had only been one 30 minute nap ALL day yesterday - she normally takes 2, each an hour duration or more...), nose making these stuffy sounds, and then her little mouth open, breathing, with dried patched around her lips because her mouth is so dry from breathing in and out while sleeping.

She did manage to sleep through most of the night though, for which Tom & I were very thankful. She started waking up around 5:30, so I snuck in and put one of my fleece jackets over her - as it had cooled down in the room quite a bit. I didn't dare touch her to see if she was still hot or she would've immediatley woken up. So, she slept for another 45 minutes or so...

Still - not a fun experience. I just hope it was a temporary, short-term thing and that we don't have something worse on the way... She seemed pretty happy this morning though. Amazing what a decent night sleep will do.

1 comment:

LaraM said...

Hope she's feeling better. Try a humidifier if you haven't already