Friday, October 31, 2008

Halloween 2008

Halloween came this year and we weren't totally prepared.. =) Since Halloween is not my favorite holiday, Cyanne didn't have a "pretty, fun" costume. as many of our friends had... Bad mother, perhaps. I just couldn't justify spending $40 on a costume she'd wear for a day... =) Next year!

Therefore, Cyanne was... as her costume:
Supporting BARACK OBAMA for President 2008! We dressed her in a political themed onesie and a pair of pants:
(I love this shirt - a sheet saying "Baa" and a rock... hee hee).
Here you go:

Chewing her pop-up book...

Close-up of the shirt... Our little political activist:

Someone has a wee bit of a runny nose...

Also - for her birthday, Tom & I got Cyanne her own, personal chair.
These following pictures are ones of her hanging out in her chair, in her "Halloween" costume =), chewing her mat...

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